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As Christians, we have been called to a great and eternal hope—a wonderful, vibrant picture of the future God has in store for us. But how do we think about that hope? What exactly is it? And how does it affect our lives here and now?
With insight and humour, Bryson Smith unpacks what the Bible has to say about hope—what it is (and isn't), and how it comforts, challenges and directs us in our day-to-day lives as Christians. As we explore these great truths, we'll discover how important it is to keep our hope at the forefront of our minds, as we live for the wonderful day when Jesus returns and our hope becomes reality.
Includes discussion guide.
Bryson Smith is part of the ministry team at Dubbo Presbyterian Church in rural NSW, Australia. He is also the author of Faith and several of Matthias Media's Interactive Bible Studies. Bryson is married to Sue, and they have three adult children. He never ceases to be amazed by God's extraordinary grace in safeguarding a glorious and imperishable hope that is his in Jesus.
This book on Hope encouraged me to look at Biblical hope from a Biblical perspective. It carefully traces many instances of hope in the Bible. Although other books have been written on hope, I sought out this book as it is written by an Australian Author who would therefore understand that our society almost never uses the word hope in a Biblical sense.
"In the Bible this positive conviction about the future is called ‘hope’, and it is an essential aspect of being a Christian."
It rooted such real hope in God.
"Biblical hope is grounded in the very nature of God—a God who is good and a God who can do anything."
This meant that I could avoid distractions away from such hope.
"What this means is that the hope of God’s people is not to be in heaven with God when we die, but to be in a new creation with God when we die. But this is not how some of us picture the future."
The difference is life-changing.
"hope points us to a better way than becoming bitter and twisted, or fixated on revenge, or swallowed up by self-pity. It’s the way of rejoicing in hope, being patient in tribulation and being constant in prayer."
Worth a read and as a basis for studying God's Word.
I believe the subtitle says it all: (The Best is Yet to Come!) It was so great receiving a book I could readily read & empathically relate too in a challenging, yet layback way, Bryson brilliantly reminds of the great hope of Jesus coming again on the last day. From his personal recollections, He makes deep points from an easily understood perspective. It is a book one has to consciously put down when necessary, yet it is not a lengthy read. Personally, a book I have recommended to friends, (but they're not getting my copy yet as I plan to read it again at a more leisurely pace!) I will probably buy at least another copy so I can circulate them through our men's Growth Group. ( One of our pastors
wants to read it also!)
One of the real joys of the book is Bryson's personal anecdotes, heartwarming & helpful.
A fabulous book, written by a really nice bloke with an obvious, & well known, love of the Lord & His people. Well done Bryson, thank you.
ISBN | 9781922206978 |
Format | Book |
Series | Guidebooks For Life |
Chapters | 10 |
Pages |
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