This webinar was recorded and is now available on YouTube.

How do we encourage one another in generosity during challenging times? What fears and anxieties do we have around giving at the moment? What does the Bible have to say about generosity in hardship? Join the webinar Generosity Roundtable: A discussion about generosity in challenging times on Tuesday 5th May at 8pm for a conversation between leaders from the UK and Australia exploring these questions.

Panelists include: Tony Payne, author of The Generosity Project; John Stevens, National Director of FIEC and contributor to The Generosity Project; and Simon Pillar a Trustee of Gospel Patrons UK and Founder of Sydney-based private equity firm Pacific Equity Partners.

They will discuss what fears church leaders may be facing at the moment, how we can be encouraged in giving, and reflect on what the Bible says about generosity in challenging times.

Presented by Alex Huson, Partnerships Executive at Stewardship, there will also be the opportunity to ask your questions on the discussions and reflections highlighted during the call.

Don't miss this encouraging session for both church leaders and donors! And feel free to invite anyone you think would be interested; there are a maximum of 1000 places available on a first come, first served basis.

When is it?

Tuesday 5th May, 8 – 9pm (AEST) (11am UK time)

Who is it for?

Church leaders, ministry leaders and donors with a heart for biblical generosity.

How do I join?

To join the call, at 8pm (11am UK) on Tuesday 5th May (AEST) simply click on the zoom link below:

Password: 868861

If you'd prefer to join by phone, call one of these international numbers and then use the webinar ID '841 6439 4114'.
