With all the fresh-eyed insight that returning missionaries often bring, a visiting friend of mine recently asked me why no-one...
Keep reading...“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity!” says the Preacher in Ecclesiastes. In this case, I prefer the NIV: “Utterly meaningless!...
Keep reading...One of the fun things about being married to my wife is hearing her “guess what happened today” stories. They...
Keep reading...From time to time, I hear preachers refer to ‘Yahweh’. Preachers often explain Bible translations and point out that ‘the...
Keep reading...What would your church look like to a person coming for the first time? For long-time attendees, sometimes going to...
Keep reading...Our regular gatherings should aspire to be rich (Col 3:16)—a rich feeding together on the word of God in song,...
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