In the middle of last year, I opened my big mouth and suggested that our church needed a better program...
Keep reading...If the Christmas season had a favourite Bible passage, you’d have to say it was Luke chapter 2, wouldn’t you?...
Keep reading...As you may know, I’ve been involved in the publishing ministry of Matthias Media for a few decades now. What...
Keep reading...The Bible is very much to be applied to our lives. I believe this with all my heart and mind....
Keep reading...The fact that you’re reading this email suggests to me you share our conviction that making and growing disciples of...
Keep reading...I was talking with Phillip Jensen last week on our podcast about the new book I’ve written, The Christian Gospel:...
Keep reading...When I googled “the most famous parables of Jesus”, the list I found had the Good Samaritan at the top,...
Keep reading...Have you heard the old joke about a pastor who has a terrifying dream that he’s in the middle of...
Keep reading...At the end of this paragraph, I want you to stop reading and think for a moment about the following...
Keep reading...Every now and then when I’m reading the Bible, I have a bit of a “huh?” moment. Like I did...
Keep reading...