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It's here: Two Ways to Live 2021. New graphics, adjusted wording that takes into account changing culture, a tightening of the presentation, and using the 2011 NIV translation. If you'd like more information, please read Tony Payne's explanation of what changed and why.
The strength of Two Ways to Live as a gospel outline is that it explains the gospel of Jesus Christ in the context of the overarching story of the Bible, giving the non-Christian hearer or reader all the presuppositions and assumptions they need to grasp the real significance of Jesus' death and resurrection. In other words, whilst it is a brief and logical presentation, it provides all the foundations a non-Christian needs to know in order to become a Christian.
The matching free online version is also available. If you'd like to spread the word at your church or organisation about Two Ways to Live, you can download free posters and graphics to use.
You may be interested in a memory aid to stick on your fridge to help you remember the Bible verses included.
It's also available in the previous edition in:
The first thing you’ll notice is the new look and feel. This printed tract is ever so slightly bigger than the previous pocket edition, with a much more modern colour scheme. You’ll also notice the style of the illustrations has changed, although the essence of the way they represent the gospel is pretty much the same. Of course, there are still six boxes or illustrations in the presentation.
Next you might notice that we’ve moved the summary and linking statements so that they come after the main text, rather than being with the illustration and Bible verse on the left hand page.
Speaking of Bible verses, you’ll see that two of the Bible verses have changed. We’ve also switched to using the latest New International Version instead of the old 1984 NIV.
There have been some changes to both the main text and the summary statements. We would use the word ‘tweaks’; they definitely aren’t wholesale changes.
The aim of this revision was to sharpen and improve Two Ways to Live wherever possible, while resisting the urge to add more and more good ideas in—since the overall goal is to have a simple, memorable summary, not a complete systematic theology.
The changes to the text certainly don’t represent any change in theology. But we do believe they make the message easier to understand for a non-Christian reader.
I absolutely love the two ways to live tracts. They explain the key parts of the gospel so clearly using language everyone can easily understand, have cute drawings that make the message easier to remember, include good prompts at the end of each section leading to the next topic, relevant bible verses, and brief, punchy summaries in a handy pocket sized booklet. I love the design and colour scheme of the new tracts too - very slick. I buy these in bulk and carry a few around with me so whenever I get the chance to start a gospel conversation with strangers, they can have a copy. Great for walk up evangelism, to give to friends and family, to hand out at church, for Christmas and Easter goodies bags for neighbours etc. Thank you for resources like this!
Have used this great short booklet for many years, found it great to clearly explain the good news we have in Jesus.
Preferred the light blue cover to the new grey cover
God used TWTL to bring a fellow patient at the Nepean Psychiatric hospital into His Kingdom.
Praise Jesus!
As 2022 closed, our church was gearing up for the year-end break of a large outreach ministry we run within our regional town. Each week our Connect Team engages with between 60-70 families from our community who don't yet know Jesus as King. As a parting gift for these families, many of which experience significant financial hardship, we had been able to arrange a Christmas hamper of food and goods to offer them as a gift. In total, 200 hampers were prepared, into which we also placed a copy of 2 Ways To Live. We chose this gospel tool for two reasons 1) it is powerfully clear in the presentation of the core gospel story, both in the message of the gospel, as well as our response to it, and 2) among the dozens of possible tracts available, this is uniquely simple in its presentation, not heavily text-biased in its formatting (important for people with lower literacy levels), and is a 'home-grown' resource (so feels very familiar in its tone to most Australians in our area).
I highly recommend this resource to enhance you gospel efforts into your local community.
The original version was great, but this updated version is even better. The wording is smoother and easier to read, and various slight modifications have made the gospel message even clearer and sharper. Definitely worth buying in bulk and distributing far and wide. Great both for evangelism and for establishing new Christians in the basics of the faith.
I think I preferred the old colour scheme (blue and yellow was nicer than the new dull pink and grey), and this second version is also slightly wider so it no longer fits in a standard sized envelope, but that will make very little difference to most people. The gospel message is clear, faithful and sharp, and for that reason I'll be using this resource very often!
ISBN | 9781925424652 |
Format | Tract/leaflet |
Series | Two Ways to Live |
Chapters | |
Pages |
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