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Like Daniel and his friends, captive in Babylon, Christians live as strangers and exiles in this world. We are different. We stand out because we trust in God's wisdom, not the wisdom of this world; we trust in God's forgiveness, in the face of our own evil and the evil of this world; and we trust in God's eternal kingdom rather than the passing rulers and authorities who dominate worldly politics.
In the book of Daniel, we find rich teaching and encouragement to keep seeing things God's way in a world that is determined to go its own way.
This study guide by pastor and author Bryson Smith is a great resource for groups and individuals.
If you wish to share copies of the study with others, or plan to read out the questions or explanatory text to a group, consider a group licence. A group licence allows for up to 15 copies of a PDF to be shared within one growth group, making it quick and easy to organise. Otherwise, adjust the quantity you're buying to match the number of people participating. Volume discounts still apply to digital files, and these discounts will be automatically applied at checkout.
Please read the full licence information.
This Bible study resource is part of our series of Pathway Bible Guides. This series aims to provide simple, straightforward Bible study material for:
Accordingly, we've designed the studies to be short, straightforward and easy to use, with an uncomplicated vocabulary. At the same time, we've tried to do justice to the passages being studied, and to model good Bible-reading principles. We've tried to be simple without being simplistic; no-nonsense without being no-content.
The questions and answers assume a small group context, but can be easily adapted to suit different situations, such as individual study and one-to-one.
ISBN | 9781875245918 |
Format | Book |
Series | Pathway Bible Guides |
Chapters | 8 |
Pages |
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