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It is no exaggeration to say that no army that ever marched, no navy that ever sailed, no government that ever sat, and no king that ever reigned has left as much of a lasting impression on the course of history as this one solitary life.
That life was the life of Jesus. But it’s easy to get caught up in misinformation about who Jesus is, his history, and what he really came to do.
In this latest Little Black Book, Scott Petty clears away the confusion and takes us to the centre of the Bible’s teaching on who Jesus is, what he came to do, and what he wants for us. Sprinkled with humour, this book will help you understand the difference Jesus makes to life, history and eternity.
Scott Petty is an experienced pastor and Bible teacher. Prior to pastoral ministry, he was an addictions counsellor and community development worker. Over his 20 years in ordained ministry he has worked in church plants, as chaplain to Macquarie University, and in parish churches in southern, northern and western Sydney. He is a husband, father and grandfather.
A series of books that get straight to the point on the topics that Christians always have questions about. Not too big, not too fancy, and not at all boring. LBBs are ideal for young Christians (ages 14-20+), but speak biblical truths applicable to any age range.
Scott Petty's deceptively "little" book contains a wonderful, engaging, simple but compelling introduction to Jesus. Which is why we buy this book in bulk and each week in church offer it as a free gift to anyone who is visiting us for the first time. The attractive design makes it a highly presentable offering to a newcomer, Petty's writing style is warm, commending and accessible, and introducing new people to Jesus is the most valuable thing we think we can do as a church. That's why we have given away more than 300 of these books to first time visitors at our church over the past 5 years. Our prayer is that by freely giving copies of "Jesus" we can plant a seed into the homes and lives of visitors to our church - they think they are taking home a book, we pray that they are taking home the first step in a relationship with Jesus. Highly recommend.
ISBN | 9781922206121 |
Format | Book |
Series | Little Black Books |
Chapters | 4 |
Pages |
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