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The Christian life is good—really good. It's a life of forgiveness and freedom and fellowship and joy.
But the Christian life can also be genuinely hard. Sickness and suffering still come our way. Sinful habits from the past still dog our steps. Sometimes it feels like an endless grind.
Why is this? Is it meant to be this way? Is there any solution?
In this masterful little book, John Chapman answers these pressing questions by drawing on his profound knowledge of the Bible, and his 60 years experience living as a Christian.
John Chapman (1930—2012) - affectionately known as 'Chappo' - was a well known evangelist, Bible teacher, and author of the best-selling A Fresh Start and Know and Tell the Gospel.
For 25 years, he was the Director of the Anglican Department of Evangelism in Sydney. In his 'retirement', he continued to teach at Bible colleges, to speak at conventions around the world, and to find time for the occasional game of tennis and golf. His other publications include A Sinner's Guide to Holiness; Making the Most of the Rest of Your Life and Setting Hearts On Fire.
ISBN | 9781921441349 |
Format | Book |
Series | Guidebooks For Life |
Chapters | 7 |
Pages |
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