Prayer and the Voice of God (2nd edition)
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Prayer doesn’t have to be a mystery or a burden. Phillip Jensen and Tony Payne open up what God himself says to us in the Scriptures about prayer, including what prayer really is, why we should do it and why we often don’t.
This insightful, practical book offers powerful motivations to get us back on our knees and praying, as well as helpful discussions of what to pray for.
This is a clear, readable guide for new Christians wanting to get started in prayer, or longer-serving Christians whose prayer lives are wilting.
I struggle with prayer sometimes and really enjoyed it. It covered a lot of bases, including important Biblical truths and convictions on why we should desire to always pray, and be thankful to God for His great lovingkindness It's a command to pray that calls for all our obedience . Thank you 🙏🏼
Even though my wife and I have been Christians for many many years, but this book has given us new understanding and perspective on 'Prayer', such as what it is, why we need it, how prayer help us, etc.
It is a very important book and has helped us enormously, which in return, we are now helping the new Christians and Non-Christians in our growth group to understand what 'Prayer' is!
This book is brilliant at pointing us to our great God as the reason we pray. His willingness, his power, his Fatherly care, his holiness, his plans... we have such a wonderful God and I've been reminded why we pray and spurred on to pray more and more. Great to read with someone else (that's certainly what I've found!)
ISBN | 978-1-921068-28-0 |
Format | Book |
Series | Guidebooks For Life |
Chapters | 10 |
Pages |
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