Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations...

Matthew 28:19

I've read The Trellis and the Vine, now what?

Vinegrowers offers a free 45-minute call with one of our team members, during which you will receive a fresh and objective perspective on your current situation, and some clear and concrete recommendations for next steps on your journey to being a disciple-making church.

Our story
Our mission

Shape the ministry culture of disciple making at your church.

Yes, I'm interested!

Vinegrowers is powered by Matthias Media to train and equip.

Vinegrowers exists to help ministry leaders take the next step in reshaping their own personal cultures, on up to their entire church wide culture around the disciple-making call. 

Why choose Vinegrowers?


Our goal is to help you with a very specific implementation, that is, applying the principles you found yourself heartily agreeing with in The Trellis and the Vine.


Other consulting or coaching services will have their own ecclesiological goals and assumptions—whether conscious or unconscious (all too often the latter). We very intentionally work from the principles of The Trellis and the Vine.


We work from the Matthias Media platform—a publishing ministry laser-focused on providing ministry resources purposely designed for implementing The Trellis and the Vine vision—we know the helpful resources that are available and how to make best use of them.

Say hi to our team

The members of our Vinegrowers team have years of experience in thinking about these issues and talking to pastors and other church leaders about them. They understand that there is no ‘program’ that’s going to turn your church culture around. They know church cultures don't work like that. They know it’s God and his gospel that transforms people and churches. Yet they also know there are resources and strategies which, under God, have helped many churches become far more effective in making disciples.

Beyond the initial free consultation, we do hope to offer ongoing coaching and consulting on a paid basis. However, our capacity to provide that continuing service is sufficiently limited that our goal is always to provide as much help as we can to as many churches as we can through the initial free call.

Seth Carson

Marty Sweeney

Executive Director
Matthias Media US

Marty started Matthias Media USA in 2006 and continues to lead its operations. He also plays an important role in the global work of MM as the overseer of all content. Since 2011, Marty has been a pastor at Old North Church in Canfield, Ohio, where he has played a key role in developing a culture of disciple-making and training.

Thomas Son

Ian Carmichael

Publishing Consultant
Matthias Media AU

Ian has spent over three decades as a key leader in Matthias Media's publishing ministry. Along with leadership roles in various churches and on the Board of the Ministry Training Strategy (MTS), he now has many years of thinking strategically and practically about disciple-making within a church context.


Lindsey Yeagley

Marketing Director
Matthias Media US

Lindsey's main focus is to convey a clear message about the mission of  Matthias Media and Vinegrowers. She enjoys leading Bible study in her home and discipling others one-to-one. Lindsey has been on the Matthias Media team since 2017.


Growing churches where making disciples in obedience to the Great Commission of Jesus is the normal agenda and priority.

the vine project by col marshall and tony payne

Growing churches where making disciples in obedience to the Great Commission of Jesus is the normal agenda and priority.

Growing disciples who reach out to those around them to make new disciples, and who encourage one another to maturity in Christ.

Ask the Vinegrowers team a question or
register your interest in a free consultation







