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"How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word." (Ps 119:9)
We can only wonder what the psalmist would have made of our sex-saturated culture--where roadside billboards advertise technology for better sex, where yesterday's soft-porn movies are today's normal prime-time television, and where more than 80 per cent of teenage boys admit to viewing pornography.
The psalmist may not have known about the internet, but the real problem is the same today as it was then: our sinful, straying hearts. The solution is also the same: guarding our hearts with the truth and wisdom of God's word.
The three articles in this mini-magazine bring the truth of God's word to bear on the problem of pornography. They urge us to treat God's good gift of sexuality with respect, and to be honest and open with each other as we strive to honour the Lord Jesus with all of our heart, mind and body.
Given the nature of this topic, we urge pastors and group leaders to buy copies to give out to all the Christians in their care.
It's not a booklet, or a leaflet, or a tract. It's not a full-sized magazine either. It's somewhere in the middle: a short collection of articles, in an economical, easy-to-read format, with a discussion guide included.
The aim is simple: to provide high-quality Bible-based input to help Christians encourage each other.
MiniZines are ideal for giving away, for starting personal conversations, and for small group discussion.
ISBN | 9781921441509 |
Format | Magazine |
Series | MiniZines |
Chapters | |
Pages |
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