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The Bible study you write for your small group can result in an exhilarating journey that opens God's word up and leads people to grow and change. It can also be a hard slog that seems to have little impact on anyone. If you're hoping for the former but worried you'll end up with the latter, this book is for you. Putting together a faithful and illuminating Bible study might seem like a huge task, but in Writing a Small Group Study Richard Sweatman breaks that task down into clear and achievable steps that won't overwhelm you. He carefully explains how to work your way through each step to create a study that will engage your small group with God's powerful word. This book is a superb guide for the new small group leader, as well as an excellent refresher for those who have been leading for years.
Richard Sweatman has been the maturity pastor at Hunter Bible Church and UniChurch in Newcastle, NSW, for the past 10 years. He spends his time training and equipping leaders in small group ministry, and is also the author of Being a Small Group Leader.
"As I interact with local church women's leaders, they frequently ask which Bible studies I recommend. My immediate answer is, 'The one you write yourself.' Now, Richard Sweatman's handy resource has given us the tools to accomplish this."
— Colleen J. McFadden, Director of Women's Workshops, Charles Simeon Trust
ISBN | 9781925424331 |
Format | Book |
Series | |
Chapters | 17 |
Pages |
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