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Whether building a house or building a life, solid, square and true foundations are vital.
If you’re just starting out in the Christian life—or considering it—you want to get those foundations in place from the start. Even if you’ve been a Christian for a while, it’s important to occasionally check your foundations—they might have shifted or been attacked by white ants, or perhaps they weren’t laid quite as straight as you originally thought.
In this Learn Together book, we’ll thoroughly inspect our gospel foundations and make our understanding of that gospel sound and biblical.
Through reading, studying the Bible, watching some video input and discussing what we’re learning together, we’ll go deep into the gospel of Jesus Christ—understanding each of its parts, how they fit together, and what implications the gospel has for our lives.
This is Two Ways to Live grown into a study book for small groups and classes. Each of the six points are fleshed out with Bible study, discussion and video and text input.
More information and the free accompanying videos are at the Learn the Gospel site.
Tony Payne is known around the world as a Christian teacher and writer. He is the author (or co-author) of many popular books and resources, including Two Ways to Live, How to Walk Into Church and Guidance and the Voice of God.
We have used this tool in a new study group for new and young in faith Christians. A book you can scribble in and online video options to break up the delivery make presentation easy and accessible. Great and insightful teaching that can lay a sure foundation for Christian Faith and also provide a tool for sharing the heart of Christian Faith.
The Uni students we've been serving with the Learn the Gospel material have LOVED it!
Each week our prayer has been that we would go deeper into God's glorious gospel and that God would plant that gospel deeper in us. It has been a joy to see that prayer answered week after week.
I first learned 'Two Ways to Live' when I was 16. It’s been a gift ever since. I’m now in my 40's and involved in leading youth ministry. We’re in the middle of running 'Learn the Gospel' with our teenagers. We decided to do each week over two weeks and use the extra time to help us learn the content of the blocks in creative ways e.g. saying a line each time we take a Jenga block off the tower and giving each teen a laminated copy of the 6 blocks for the back of the loo door. Why let the times tables rule that space?!
Using Isaiah 53:6 (Baa baa do baa baa) on the new version was a great addition. Our teens loved singing that. It would be great to see a collaboration with Colin Buchanan to put the other verses to music and include the songs on a ‘Two Ways to Live’ Spotify list.
I consider learning ‘Two Ways to Live’ one of the greatest gifts God has given to me. I always have the 6 blocks in my head when I’m talking to people about Jesus even if I don’t have a chance to draw it for them. This is such an incredible resource. I'm so delighted to pass it on to the next generation.
I can’t recommend this highly enough.
Having been trained in 2WTL last century it was fabulous to use this to train a new Christian who is keen to know and understand the gospel better so that she can tell others.
The booklet and videos are excellent!
So glad to be refreshed in this for myself as well as train a young Christian.
In a group of older, mature believers, Learn the Gospel was well appreciated. Group members found the course to some extent revision but with a freshness, simplicity, helpful and practical, especially the clarity of building from Creation - Rebellion - Salvation. The Two Ways To Live outline clearly shows no more, no less is needed. Tony’s video presentations are engaging and clear - but we wonder whether he ever got to drink his cup of tea!
The last word - a good resource to keep on the bookshelf! (After using it, of course.)
ISBN | 9781922980243 |
Format | Book (with video) |
Series | Two Ways to Live |
Chapters | 8 |
Pages |
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