Share the Gospel
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What happens when God gives you an opportunity to talk about Christianity or the gospel in everyday conversation? Do you smoothly explain who Jesus is and what he has done, feeling confident to answer any questions that come your way? Or do you fumble or freeze up, not really knowing what to say and feeling nervous about how it will be received?
This Learn Together book will teach and train you to share the gospel of Jesus with other people, naturally, confidently, clearly and faithfully, in your own unique way.
Share the Gospel uses the well-known gospel outline Two Ways to Live as a framework, and is the sequel to Learn the Gospel. We recommend that you work through Learn the Gospel before tackling this book, or at least be reasonably familiar with the Two Ways to Live outline.
More information and the free accompanying videos are at the Share the Gospel site.
Tony Payne is known around the world as a Christian teacher and writer. He is the author (or co-author) of many popular books and resources, including Two Ways to Live, How to Walk Into Church and Guidance and the Voice of God.
ISBN | 9781925424911 |
Format | Book (with video) |
Series | Two Ways to Live |
Chapters | 8 |
Pages |
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